Method 2: Upgrade to Windows XP

Method 2: Upgrade to Windows XP

Note Windows 2000 and Windows 2000 Professional can only be upgraded to Windows XP Professional. You cannot upgrade Windows 2000 to Windows XP Home.

Important Before you start the upgrade process, contact your computer manufacturer to obtain the latest BIOS upgrades for your computer and then install the upgrades. If you update the BIOS after you upgrade the computer, you may have to reinstall Windows XP to take advantage of features such as Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) support in the BIOS. If you can do this, update the firmware in all the hardware devices before you start the upgrade.

You may want to disconnect from the Internet during the installation. This step is not necessary, but disconnecting from the Internet during the installation helps protect your computer. For added protection, you may also want to enable the Microsoft Internet Explorer firewall. For more information, see the "Enable or disable Internet Connection Firewall" topic in your Windows operating system Help. For more information about how to prepare Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition for an upgrade to Windows XP.

To upgrade to Windows XP, follow these steps:

  1. Start your computer, and then insert the Windows XP CD into the CD or DVD drive.
  2. If Windows automatically detects the CD, click Install Windows to start the Windows XP Setup Wizard.                                                                                                                                            If Windows does not automatically detect the CD, click Start. Then click Run. Type the following command, and then click OK:                                                                                                       CD drive letter:\setup.exe
  3. When you are prompted to select an installation type, select Upgrade (the default setting), and then click Next.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the upgrade.
If you have successfully upgraded to Windows XP, you are finished. If these steps did not help you upgrade to Windows XP, go to the "Next Steps" section.